Monday, August 26th, 2019

Straightening his tie, Chelsea understands why she can’t go to court with Nick (she might set Adam off) It should all be over soon – Christian will be home where he belongs. Sitting in the park, a troubled Adam flips through photos of Christian on his phone. Home from their... Read more

Friday, August 23rd, 2019

Nick’s chatting with Billy at his sister’s place. Both are glad Victor’s keeping Adam away from Christian – via restraining order and just one look at the park. Vikki comes down – both she and Nick have been summoned for a meeting with Victor. Abby and Nikki run into each... Read more

Thursday, August 23rd, 2019

Let’s go, Chelsea exits the rooftop quickly. Lingering a moment to look disgusted at the sight of Sharon clinging to Nick, Adam also leaves. I shouldn’t have done that, Sharon eases away from Nick with a sheepish smile. Seated at Society, Celeste thanks her son for meeting her and pressures... Read more

Wednesday, August 21st, 2019

Phyllis coaches herself to be sweet and charming – I’ve got this. Chelsea, she calls out with a smile; so good to see you. Were you waiting long? Chelsea will order scalding coffee to arm herself. She thinks Phyllis’ invite reaks of desperation. At NE, Nick’s pleased to see his... Read more

Tuesday, August 20th, 2019

Vikki comes home wondering why Billy didn’t pick Johnny up from daycare. Tell them I’m on my way – Billy was preparing for a stupid Jabot merger meeting. No, he’s not still thinking about Delia or having nightmares – and no, he’s not going back to the therapist. Wanting to... Read more

Monday, August 19th, 2019

‘My lucky day’, Adrian comes into CL’s to order something ‘hot’ (and flirt outrageously with Sharon) What the hell do you think you’re doing?! a furious Rey comes in to forcibly drag his Father onto the patio. At the park, Adam’s amused by ‘breaking news’ on his tablet. A special... Read more

Thursday, August 15th, 2019

At CL’s, Kyle ignores a call and then a text from Theo – Today’s your big day bro. The end of life as you knew it. Any final wishes? As birds chirp outside, Abby’s ‘glam squad’ touches up Lola’s hair and make up as they chat with Mariah and Tessa... Read more